Single-family rents trend upward after previous cooldown: Zillow

Single-family rents have risen by a mind-boggling 39.6% since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020.…

Young voters are concerned about housing. But ‘malaise’ may last years: Politico

Data on the intersection between housing issues and politics is clear: in 2024, housing is an…

Smaller metro areas are seeing sharp home-price increases: SmartAsset

While major cities are often the bellwethers when it comes to home-price trends, a SmartAsset analysis…

Sun Belt cities lead the way for new home sales

As homebuyers continue to grapple with a lack of existing homes for sale, the market for…

Virginia Realtors: Zillow’s touring agreement may not be legal

Earlier this week, Zillow launched a new “touring agreement,” a nonexclusive contract for buyers and agents to use…

Zillow believes the evolution of the industry will only help it grow

In light of the jury verdict in the Sitzer/Burnett suit and the terms of the National…

Zillow launches buyer agreement for home tours

Over the years, Zillow has made it clear that it wants to help consumers with all…

Side’s Hilary Saunders discusses the evolution of brokerage models

The way Saunders views it, today’s consumers are more savvy. They want to not only fully…

Coastal California metros were the priciest  in March: Zillow

Competition in the housing market is heating up heading into May and June. Home prices are…

Midwest housing markets good for first-time homebuyers: Zillow

The number of first-time homebuyers made up 32% of all buyers in 2023, according to a…