Reverse mortgage volume, securities issuance decline in June

HECM volume: Some major lenders buck trend Despite the industrywide drop in volume, four of the…

Reverse mortgage volume, securities issuance improve further in May

HECM volume spikes, but case numbers are flat The pace of endorsement growth has notably increased…

Reverse mortgage volume and HMBS issuance improve in April

The refi market continues to be anemic as higher rates are persisting, with refi volume dropping…

Retail losses lead February decline in reverse mortgage volume

Reverse mortgage volume dropped in February compared to the month prior, and new data compiled by…

Reverse mortgage volume, HMBS issuance see improvement in March

After a few months of downward data in its performance metrics, the reverse mortgage industry saw…

Retail reverse mortgage production took a hit in January

While reverse mortgage volume in 2024 got off to a rocky start, new data that breaks…